Website development

The creation and maintenance of websites is at the foundation of ACTINCOM.

The agency has a broad experience in the conception of Internet (and intranet) sites caracterized by modern and clean designs. Adding to this, an intuitive user interface ensures a quick access to valuable information.

Production examples

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Graphic design plays a major role in the development of any website. As a basic principle, ACTINCOM helps the clients to aquire a visually coherent and solid identity, wich will be reflected on all communication products, digital or printed.

Logos – Websites – Business cards – Flyers – Rollups …

Examples of graphic identities


As a multicultural company, ACTINCOM can implement its client’s website (and print products) in different languages to enable contact with potential international clients. In addition to the basic textual content, professional translation can be provided.


On many of ACTINCOM websites you can read at the bottom: “design and photos by ACTINCOM”. This is not a coincidence. It also happens for advertisements, magazine articles, Facebook posts and printed products. The photos are taken with professional equipment with their final use in mind.


The generation of textual content is part of the services the company offers during website creation (same for printed products). The aim is to free up the client from conceptual tasks and tedious text writing. This process implies meetings and brainstorming with the concerned parties in order to extract the raw information.